[Gate-users] Using phase space actor

Devir-Wolfman, Ayeleth (GE Healthcare) Ayeleth.Devir-Wolfman at ge.com
Thu Apr 14 12:59:03 CEST 2022

Good day to all!

I'm try to implement phase space actor into my simulation, to be later used as the source of my simulation.

I add the actor as following to the main macro:
/gate/actor/addActor                    PhaseSpaceActor  phaseSpace
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/save             output/phaseSpace.root
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/attachTo         Phantom
# Store not only entering particles, but also outgoing particles
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/storeOutgoingParticles   true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/storeSecondaries         false
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/setMaxFileSize           50 GB
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableProductionVolume   false
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableProductionProcess  false
# Store coordinates in the actor coordinates
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/useVolumeFrame           true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableEkine              true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableXPosition          true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableYPosition          true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableZPosition          true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableXDirection         true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableYDirection         true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableZDirection         true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableParticleName       true
/gate/actor/phaseSpace/enableWeight             true

Then after I have the phaseSpace.root file, I try to replace my source with this actor, by:

  1.  commenting out the above actor commands
  2.  commenting out the previous source
  3.  adding the following commands instead of the source, at the same place of the main macro:
# Phase-Space actor as source
gate/source/addSource  pS_Source  phaseSpace
gate/source/pS_Source/addPhaseSpaceFile data/phaseSpace.root
gate/source/pS_Source/attachTo    Phantom

  1.  My problem is that the output sinograms are empty, and that if I check the stat actor it shows that the simulation time has reached 1.79769e+299 seconds, where the simulation was run for 5 seconds.

  1.  Also, I was wondering what is more recommended for this case, to save the particles coordinates in the actor frame or in the world frame (i.e. setting the command /gate/actor/phaseSpace/useVolumeFrame  to be either true or false).

I would greatly appreciate any help on the matter.

Thank you,
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