[Gate-users] Help : NumberOfPrimaries

IBRAHIM AIT OUAGGOU ibrahim.aitouaggou at ump.ac.ma
Sun Nov 7 13:49:24 CET 2021

Thank you for the information. I'll try this method.
Regarding Gatelab,  I checked the spam, nothing is there.

Thank you for your help.

Best regards,

On Sun, Nov 7, 2021, 06:12 ESLAM TAHA <emtaha at kau.edu.sa> wrote:

> Dear Ibrahim,
> Regarding the number of primaries, for some reason, you can not exceed
> 2E9. If you want to simulate a higher number of primaries, you can run the
> simulation multiple times, each time with a different seed number. For
> example, if you want to run 4E9, you need to run the simulation twice using
> 2E9 each time and then combine the results.
> Regarding Gatelab, yes it is still working. Did you check the junk/spam
> folder?
> Although I never had a floating-point exception error in Gate before, from
> my experience these errors usually are related to mathematical operations
> that are impossible to carry out (i.e dividing a floating-point number by
> zero). I think more information regarding your simulation is needed to
> understand what is causing this problem.
> My regards,
> Eslam
> On Sun, Nov 7, 2021 at 2:41 AM IBRAHIM AIT OUAGGOU <
> ibrahim.aitouaggou at ump.ac.ma> wrote:
>> Hi gate users,
>> I tried to launch my macro in a cluster so I was informed to follow some
>> steps to set the jobsplitter and Filemerger,  I did what was indicated in
>> the Gate userguide,  I fixed the number of split at 5 and I ran the macro
>> and I get what is in the picture below, I don't know what does this mean
>> and what will be the next step?
>> I have another question about Gatelab,  I tried to make an account in the
>> website of Gatelab, an activation code was sent to my subscription mail but
>> I didn't get it I don't know why, is Gatelab still working or is there
>> something I should know about it ?
>> (Due to the capacity of the first message (>9MB). I did some adjustment
>> to be approved)
>> Thank you for your help
>> On Fri, Nov 5, 2021, 17:41 IBRAHIM AIT OUAGGOU <
>> ibrahim.aitouaggou at ump.ac.ma> wrote:
>>> Hi gate users
>>> I tried to launch my macro in a cluster so I was informed to follow some
>>> steps to set the jobsplitter and Filemerger,  I did what was indicated in
>>> the Gate userguide,  I fixed the number of split at 5 and I ran the macro
>>> and I get what is in the picture below, I don't know what does this mean
>>> and what will be the next step?
>>> I have another question about Gatelab,  I tried to make an account in
>>> the website of Gatelab, an activation code was sent to my subscription mail
>>> but I didn't get it I don't know why, is Gatelab still working or is there
>>> something I should know about it ?
>>> Thank you for your help
>>> On Sat, Oct 23, 2021, 16:00 IBRAHIM AIT OUAGGOU <
>>> ibrahim.aitouaggou at ump.ac.ma> wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone
>>>> I m asking for help, I m a beginner in using Gate and use it right now
>>>> to simulate pdd and profils of photon beams in radiotherapy,  the problem I
>>>> had is in the definition of the number of primaries,  every time I want
>>>> make it bigger the simulation crashes, right now I couldn't exceed 2
>>>> billion particle and once I try to use a bigger number it crashes without
>>>> knowing the causes.
>>>> I ll be grateful if I receive advice from you to remedy this problem
>>>> Best regards
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> Eng. Eslam Mohammad Taha
> Medical Physics Engineer
> Nuclear Engineering Department
> King Abdulaziz University
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