[Gate-users] internal dosimetry

abdellah khallouqi abdelkhallouqi02 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 15:35:23 CET 2021

Dear Gate users,

I want to create a rule with the following parameters -->>
The ruler dimensions were 780 mm, 60 mm, and 8 mm in x, y and z- axes
respectively. This ruler has 29 holes, each hole is 10mm in diameter ,
spaced 2 cm  from each other in a line.

more information from the article--->>
The ruler was discretized into segments, where the total number of voxels
were 1560, 120, and 4 in the x, y, and z directions respectively. The voxel
dimensions were 0.5 mm *0.5 mm * 2 mm for the x, y, and z-axes
respectively. The voxel material was PMMA. The holes were modeled in a
small circular pattern with a diameter of 10 mm into which air kerma was
*Could **anyone* * explain to me how I can create this rule**?*
Many thanks for your help
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