[Gate-users] internal dosimetry

abdellah khallouqi abdelkhallouqi02 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 3 14:19:22 CET 2021

*Hi everyone*

*I'm a Ph.D. student who is doing an assignment on CT simulation with Gate.*
*I am looking for a way to study the dose of the organ using a voxelized
phantom Zubal in my simulation.*
*I have converted the Zubal phantom into interfile for GATE
in Matlab'' structure composed of 128x72x236 voxels, with int16 . the mass
of each organ was calculated using the volume of the voxel, that is 1 x 1** x
1 mm³.''*
*I don't know the steps how I can create the RangeTranslator file?*
*could **any one* * explain to me how the doseByRegions actor works in my
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