[Gate-users] A new web site for GATE

Asra Talebi asra.talebi at modares.ac.ir
Wed Nov 25 09:54:41 CET 2020

Hi dear gate users

the new website for gate were changed visually just.  the  most important part of the site is  MAILING-LIST, unfortunately, this part were not changed.In order to access the  archived questions more easily and to  avoid asking  the duplicate questions,This part of the site should be divided into several different parts, such as physics and geometry .the data classification  in this section is not desirable.

asra sadat talebi
PhD Scholar
Tarbiat Modares University
Department of medical physics
Tehran - Iran
E-mail address:  asra.talebi at modares.ac.ir
asra.talebi at yahoo.com

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