[Gate-users] Help in DNA physics

noura hbb nourahbb9 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 19:26:56 CET 2020

Thank you for the information.

On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, 19:21 Cassandra Miller <cassandramiller at phas.ubc.ca>

> Hi Noura,
> Using the DNA physics list is relatively simple. The command is:
> /gate/physics/addPhysicsList emDNAphysics
> The caveat being, it ONLY works if you are using a specific material,
> /gate/nucleus/setMaterial G4_WATER
> If you use regular water, it won't work, it has to be G4_WATER. You can
> also combine physics lists, for example if you have two spheres and sphere
> 2 doesn't require the dna list, you can do something like this:
> /gate/sphere1/setMaterial G4_WATER
> /gate/sphere2/setMaterial OtherMaterial
> ...
> /gate/physics/addPhysicsListMixed emstandard_opt3_mixed_emdna
> /gate/physics/SetDNAInRegion sphere1
> /gate/physics/ConstructProcessMixed
> And then sphere1 will be simulated using the dna list, and sphere 2 with
> the standard list. (if you google "/gate/physics/ConstructProcessMixed" you
> can find some more examples of this).
> Best,
> Cassandra
> --
> Cassandra Miller
> PhD Student, Physics
> Quantitative Radiomolecular Imaging and Therapy Lab
> Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia
> On 2020-11-18 10:35 p.m., noura hbb wrote:
> Hello Gate users,
> I'm beginner in Gate and I want use DNA physics list for the electrons ? Please any help ?
> Thank you,
> Best Regards
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