[Gate-users] No coincidences when using generic repeater in PET

Peter Neilson neilson at txcorp.com
Mon Mar 23 22:02:59 CET 2020

Hello All, 

 I had been following this thread and was able to use the patch to get coincidences using a cylindricalPET system that looked just as they should. 

 So my problem is not particularly GATE-driven, but I was attempting to reconstruct an image using Castor and found the results to be rather odd. First found that I had to create the .geom file by hand, gateMacToGeom was not recognizing the generic repeater. 

 But then it seemed like it was placing my particle sources in the wrong place, though they were definitely present. 

 I was curious If anyone had attempted image reconstruction in a simulation with a generic repeater and seen similar problems?

-Peter Neilson

> On Jan 28, 2020, at 9:14 AM, Christian Pommranz <pommranz at astro.uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
> Dear Zhengzhi and Han,
> thank you Han for your quick reply and the How-To slides! It's great to
> hear that the patch worked for you!
> This patch is indeed (by design) not working for combinations of the
> generic repeater and the angular repeater for the same component. The
> code only looks at the generic repeater's repeat number if no angular
> repeater was found, i.e. "rep_num == 1" for the angular repeater. The
> generic repeater patch uses the angular repeater "mechanism" to compute
> sectorIDs and one repeater would therefore (probably) interfere with
> the other. Since I implement my geometries with the generic repeater
> only, I didn't try to generalize the sectorID computation, yet.
> The relevant code is in the "G4int
> GateCoincidenceSorter::ComputeSectorID(const GatePulse& pulse)" method
> in the "GateCoincidenceSorter.cc <http://gatecoincidencesorter.cc/>" file.
> I will rebase the patch to the current develop branch and create a PR
> as soon as I find the time.
> Best regards,
> Christian
> Am Montag, den 27.01.2020, 23:36 -0800 schrieb Zhengzhi Liu:
>> Dear Han Gyu and Christian, 
>> Thanks, Han Gyu very much for your quick response and Christian great
>> contribution. I just installed the patch and the installation
>> went well,  then I reboot my vGATE8.2 virtual machine. However, I
>> still didn't get any coincidence event registered when
>> using genericRepeater in a cylindricalPET system in my simple test. 
>> Here is what I did: 
>> I replaced the ring repeater with genericRepeater
>> in benchPET, reduced the number of detector heads to 2 and set
>> minSectorDifference to 1. Then I did a visualization check.
>> Finally, I got no coincidence recorded. Then I switched back to ring
>> repeater (which is the only change for this step), I did collect many
>> coincidence events. So it looks the patch doesn't fix the problem
>> in cylindricalPET. 
>> Has anyone ever got the patch work in a cylindricalPET system? 
>> Thank you so much, dear GATE community members.
>> Sincere greetings,
>> Zhengzhi 
>> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 8:27 PM 강한규 <lovehangulp at naver.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Zhengzhi, and Christian,
>>> As you already know, Christian (pommranz at astro.uni-tuebingen.de)
>>> shared the git patch file to solve the coincidence output issue. 
>>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/pipermail/gate-users/2019-February/010729.html
>>> I have also succeeded in acquiring coincidence output using generic
>>> repeater in PETscanner system with the patch file shared by
>>> Christian.
>>> Below is an example of the detector arrangement with
>>> genericRepeater.
>>> Thanks Christian for your great contribution~!
>>> Here is a brief manual how to apply the git patch in GATEv8.2.
>>> ===================================================================
>>> ========================================================
>>> Problem: No coincidence in the "PETscanner"
>>> when genericRepeater was used.
>>> Solution: Modify the GATEv8.2 source code using a git patch
>>> file and re-compile.
>>> GATE mailing list (Christian Pommranz <
>>> pommranz at astro.uni-tuebingen.de>) 
>>> http://lists.opengatecollaboration.org/pipermail/gate-users/2019-February/010729.html
>>> STEP1> Download the git patch file in the mailing list.
>>> Filename: coincidences_for_generic_repeater.patch
>>> STEP2> Apply the git patch file.
>>>> cd /home/kanghg2/program/Gate-8.2
>>>> git apply --ignore-space-change --ignore-whitespace
>>> coincidences_for_generic_repeater.patch
>>> STEP3> Re-compile GATEv8.2
>>>> cd /home/kanghg2/program/Gate-8.2-build
>>>> ccmake ../Gate-8.2
>>> [c] configure
>>> [g] generate
>>>> make
>>> STEP4> Run the GATE PETscanner with genericRepeater.
>>> Now coincidence output will be generated!
>>> ===================================================================
>>> ========================================================
>>> Hopefully, you will be able to obtain coincidence output with
>>> genericRepeater. 
>>> Best regards,
>>> Han Gyu Kang, Ph.D.
>>> Imaging Physics Group, NIRS-QST, Japan.
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: "Zhengzhi Liu"<zliu36 at stanford.edu> 
>>> To: <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>; 
>>> Cc: 
>>> Sent: 2020-01-28 (화) 12:47:21 (GMT+09:00)
>>> Subject: [Gate-users] No coincidences when using generic repeater
>>> in PET
>>> Dear GATE community members, 
>>> I looked at previous GATE correspondence, it looks there has been
>>> an issue with coincidence sorter when using along with generic
>>> repeater. I am using vGATE8.2, it still exists. 
>>> Has anyone ever succeeded in getting them to work together? 
>>> Thanks a lot for your advice.
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Zhengzhi 
> -- 
> Christian Pommranz
> Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
> Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics
> Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
> Sand 1
> D-72076 Tübingen
> Germany
> Phone: +49 7071 29 75463
> http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/index.php?id=3130 <http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/index.php?id=3130>
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