[Gate-users] Geant4 installation

rachid ayad rayad at ut.edu.sa
Thu Mar 12 17:45:26 CET 2020

For me the shared library is in geant4 libraries directory:
geant4/geant4.10.06-install/lib/libG4graphics_reps.so  where
geant4/geant4.10.06-install is my install directory. Try to search for
libG4graphics_reps.so file in that install directory (please use your
install direcory). If you do not find it means you did not include the
graphical option when you installed geant4. But in case you found it means
the library if not loaded by and I dubt this happened as geant4 compilation
Makfefiles know exactly where are these libraries in geant4 directories

Thank you, Rachid

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 5:39 PM Yasmine Barek <yasminekenzy at gmail.com>

> Hello everyone
> I`m installing Geant4 and when I tried to run an exemple I got his message
> dell-u at dellu-inspiron-3668:~/B1-build$ ./exampleB1
> ./exampleB1: error while loading shared libraries: libG4graphics_reps.so:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> I tried with many difference way but I always have an error message
> Thanks for your help
> best regards
> Barek Yasmine
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Dr. Rachid Ayad
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science
University Of Tabuk
P.O. Box 2072
Tabuk 71451
Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966560296632



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