[Gate-users] Maximum Particle Number

Dimitrios Thanasas dthanas at uoa.gr
Wed Jan 29 14:21:13 CET 2020

Dear Tom,

I had this problem too. I solved it by combining time and source activity.
If you want 3600000000 particles you can use 100 ΜΒq activity for 36
seconds (or any other combination).
Comment the line (you don't need it):
#/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries 3600000000
to run the simulation.

Best Regards,

> Dear Gate-Community,
> Gate seems to have a problem with primary particle numbers over exactly
> 2.147.483.648 (2^(32)/2) and simply throws an error ('Exiting with return
> value 6') and stops simulating for me.
> Can this be due to Gate having problems with numbers outside the
> 32bit-variable range?
> Did anybody else encounter this?
> This is how my code looks:
> '/gate/application/setTotalNumberOfPrimaries 3600000000
> /gate/application/setTimeSlice 1 s
> /gate/application/setTimeStart 0 s
> /gate/application/setTimeStop 90 s'
> I use this acquisition timing due to the rotation of a voxelized phantom.
> Any help will be much appreciated! :)
> Best regards,
> Tom
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