[Gate-users] How to access Dicom Images of small Animals (RAT, Cat, Frog)

Mahdjoub Hamdi mahdjoub.hamdi at hotmail.fr
Fri Feb 28 20:12:33 CET 2020

Hi Atik,

Sorry for the delay!

I didn't look into this couple of years ago! But here is a working example for the mouse atlas voxelized phantom.

1- Back then GATE didn't read DICOM files so I had to use Interfile format (see attached *.h33 and *.i33).

2- Since using the whole mouse phantom is computationally intensive (even with a cluster computing), I kept the chest and truncated the rest of the mouse body.

Here are responses to your questions:

How to define this file in GATEfor the given atlas data?

I've attached a file 'Voxel_mouse.mac' where you can see how I have defined the atlas data in GATE.

 All the elements are also defined in text files.

If you're not using a whole-body mouse as a voxelized phantom, you don't have to define all organ labels in the text file, you can specify just the ones that exist in the region you're studying (like brain structures for example).

My problem is, that I do not know the interval defined in the attenuation range file.

In the case of the atlas, you just add the tissue composition of each organ in the GATE material database, and then you specify these materials in the attenuation range file. I have attached an attenuation range file, for the same attached voxelized mouse phantom, take a look on it.

in the attached attenuation range file, you will find these names: SoftTissue, Heart, Water, Pancreas and here is how I have defined the Heart into the GATE material database:

Heart: d=1.05 g/cm3 ; n=11

    +el: name=Hydrogen ; f=0.104

    +el: name=Carbon ; f=0.139

    +el: name=Nitrogen ; f=0.029

    +el: name=Oxygen ; f=0.718

    +el: name=Sodium ; f=0.001

    +el: name=Phosphor ; f=0.002

    +el: name=Sulfur ; f=0.002

    +el: name=Chlorine ; f=0.002

    +el: name=Potassium ; f=0.003

    +el: name=Calcium ; f=0.0

    +el: name=Scandium ; f=0.0

I hope it helps,

De : Atiq Ur Rahman <atiqchep at gmail.com>
Envoyé : samedi 22 février 2020 10:46
À : Mahdjoub Hamdi <mahdjoub.hamdi at hotmail.fr>
Objet : Re: [Gate-users] How to access Dicom Images of small Animals (RAT, Cat, Frog)

Dear Mahdjoub Hamdi,
In the Atlas data file, we have three the files. In usual .dcm phantoms we use to provide an attenuation_range.txt file which is shown below. How to define this file in the gate for the given atlas data?  All the elements are also defined in a text files. My problem is , that I do not know the interval define in the attenuation range file.

old and New and code....
Attenuation range file..
How I can writ new Material conversion file. The given atlas data file, materials are described but the interval or ranges are not known.

On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 12:04 AM Mahdjoub Hamdi <mahdjoub.hamdi at hotmail.fr<mailto:mahdjoub.hamdi at hotmail.fr>> wrote:
Hi Atik,

Take a look here: https://neuroimage.usc.edu/neuro/Digimouse.
This is the Digimouse project, where you can find coregistered  PET/CT and cryosection mouse image plus the Atlas.
You don't have to use them as Dicom format, you can use them as an interfile format where the binary file is short integer.
I used to work with these images for small animal radiation therapy, let me know if you face any issues.


De : Gate-users <gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org<mailto:gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>> de la part de Atiq Ur Rahman <atiqchep at gmail.com<mailto:atiqchep at gmail.com>>
Envoyé : vendredi 21 février 2020 06:26
À : gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org<mailto:gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org> <gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org<mailto:gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>>
Objet : [Gate-users] How to access Dicom Images of small Animals (RAT, Cat, Frog)

Dear Users,
I have simulated a PET with small geometric efficiency. I want to try some animal CT dicom Images as Phantom.  Can you please point me some free online repository, database or someone share if he have for study and research purposes. I have surfed but somehow not able to find any free resource.

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