[Gate-users] Is photoneutron yield in Gate/Geant4 underestimated?

narbor nicolas.arbor at iphc.cnrs.fr
Sun Feb 16 21:24:01 CET 2020

Dear Johannes,

 From what I know (from Geant4 developers) you can now used ENDF/BVII.1 
data for photonuclear reaction (as with MCNP) by selecting ShieldingLEND 
physics list in GATE.

As you said, previous version of Geant4 (< 10.04) used a parametrized 
model for photo-nuclear reactions that under-estimate neutrons 
production for many nuclei (with also a wrong threshold).

Results are clearly better now with the LEND model (ENDF data) for gamma 
energy lower than 20 MeV.

Best regards,


PS : as John said, the best is always to ask directly Geant4 User Forum 
for this kind of Geant4 physics questions.

Nicolas ARBOR
Maître de Conférences
Université de Strasbourg - Faculté de Physique et Ingénierie
Groupe de recherche DeSIs - Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien
23, rue du Loess BP28 67037 Strasbourg Cedex 2
mail : nicolas.arbor at iphc.cnrs.fr / tel :

Le 03/02/2020 à 16:55, John Apostolakis a écrit :
> Dear Johannes,
> I suggest to post this and similar questions in the Geant4 User Forum 
> (https://geant4-forum.web.cern.ch/ ) , instead of the GATE mailing 
> list, for a response from more Geant4 users and developers.
> John
> ===================================================
> John Apostolakis,  EP Department, CERN
>> On 3 Feb 2020, at 16:13, von Vangerow Johannes 
>> <Johannes.vonVangerow at ptw.de <mailto:Johannes.vonVangerow at ptw.de>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am just starting to perform simulations in Gate including Neutrons. 
>> Concerning that, I performed a simulation with 15MeV photons 
>> impinging on a thin (10µm) target. The simulation in Gate / Geant4 
>> yields about a factor 3 less neutrons than a simple calculation using 
>> the respective crosssection. So far I tested W and Pb.
>> In a publication„Quantification of the validity of simulations based 
>> on Geant4 and FLUKA for photo-nuclear interactions in the high energy 
>> range“ 
>> <https://www.epj-conferences.org/articles/epjconf/pdf/2017/22/epjconf_icrs2017_06023.pdf>it 
>> is stated that Geant4 underestimates the Neutron production. Is this 
>> really true? I am using the QGSP_BIC_HP physics list.
>> Best regards
>> Johannes
>> **
>> Dr. Johannes von Vangerow
>> Software Development
>> Phone: +49 761 49055-367
>> Fax:      +49 761 49055-70
>> Email: _Johannes.vonVangerow at ptw.de 
>> <mailto:Johannes.vonVangerow at ptw.de>_
>> .
>> PTW-Freiburg Physikalisch-Technische Werkstätten Dr. Pychlau GmbH
>> Lörracher Str. 7 | 79115 Freiburg, Germany
>> _www.ptw.de_ <http://www.ptw.de/> | Follow us:_LinkedIn_ 
>> <https://de.linkedin.com/company/ptw-/>
>> .
>> Geschäftsführung: Dr. Christian Pychlau, Dr. Tobias Schüle
>> Registergericht Freiburg HRB Nr. 1673 | WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 15599992
>> .
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>> <test_neutron_production.mac>_______________________________________________
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