[Gate-users] Attach DoseActor to Cylinder

Grevillot Loic loic.grevillot at medaustron.at
Thu Dec 10 08:52:50 CET 2020


just complementary info: unfortunately the dose actor dose not manage (yet) cylindrical geometries, so to store the dose in the cylinder, you can score the energy deposited in the cylinder and divide “by hand” by the cylinder mass to get the dose. Your understanding was correct (the dose is being calculated in a box as opposed to a cylinder. I ran the same simulation but scoring dose in a cuboid geometry whose X and Y lengths were the same as the diameter (for the same depth resolution) of the cylindrical volume and I get the exact same curve)

From: Gate-users [mailto:gate-users-bounces at lists.opengatecollaboration.org] On Behalf Of David Sarrut
Sent: Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2020 06:55
To: Botnariuc, Daniela <daniela.botnariuc.19 at ucl.ac.uk>
Cc: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org
Subject: Re: [Gate-users] Attach DoseActor to Cylinder

Hello Daniela,

the DoseActor is attached to the PMMA cylinder, so it will only store deposited energy of events that occur *inside* the cylinder, whatever it is larger or smaller than the cylinder.

You can change the size of the DoseActor with something like:
/gate/actor/MyActor/setSize 5 5 5 cm
If the size is larger than the cylinder, areas in the (parallelepiped) DoseActor that are outside the cylinder will store zero.
If the size is smaller than the cylinder (I think it is the case by default), the DoseActor will not store all deposited energy in the cylinder.


On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 10:07 PM Botnariuc, Daniela <daniela.botnariuc.19 at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:daniela.botnariuc.19 at ucl.ac.uk>> wrote:
Dear Gate users,

I am simulating a proton pencil beam and I am trying to score the depth-dose curve in a cylindrical geometry. When I attach the dose actor to the cylindrical geometry, it appears that the dose is being calculated in a box as opposed to a cylinder. I ran the same simulation but scoring dose in a cuboid geometry whose X and Y lengths were the same as the diameter (for the same depth resolution) of the cylindrical volume and I get the exact same curve. How would I define the dose actor in order to score dose in the cylinder?

/gate/world/daughters/name   PMMA
/gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
/gate/PMMA/geometry/setRmax 4.08 cm
/gate/PMMA/geometry/setRmin 0. mm
/gate/PMMA/geometry/setHeight 20 cm
/gate/PMMA/placement/setTranslation 0 0 0.10 m
/gate/PMMA/setMaterial Water
/gate/PMMA/vis/setColor cyan

/gate/actor/addActor   DoseActor   depthdose
/gate/actor/depthdose/attachTo   PMMA
/gate/actor/depthdose/stepHitType   random
/gate/actor/depthdose/setPosition   0 0 0 mm
/gate/actor/depthdose/setResolution   1  1 1000 mm
/gate/actor/depthdose/saveEveryNSeconds   60
/gate/actor/depthdose/enableDose   true
/gate/actor/depthdose/enableUncertaintyDose   true

Thank you in advance for your time.

Best wishes,
Gate-users mailing list
Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org<mailto:Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>

David Sarrut, Phd
Directeur de recherche CNRS
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