[Gate-users] Phase Space Source with FFD

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Aug 6 23:43:23 CEST 2020

Please keep the discussions on the mailing list. I'm not 100% sure but I
think any source will work.
You can also check ARFs
for speeding up your simulation.

On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 5:13 AM Miriam Dixon <miriam.gatemc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> As you responded so promptly to my question about the SPECT_FFD error I
> was getting a few weeks ago, I hoped you could answer a quick question I
> have about the use of FFD with a phase space source.
> I am using GATE to run simulations of a SPECT study as a part of my
> Master's Thesis project. Due to my tight time constraint, I am trying as
> many methods to speed up my simulation as possible, without increasing the
> uncertainty in my results too greatly. The main technique I am using at the
> moment is to create phase space files to use as my source, which has
> drastically cut down the simulation time. I am interested in looking into
> other techniques (such as FFD, for example) but have been having trouble
> with some of the examples not working, making it difficult to then fit them
> to my simulation properly. One of these techniques I have had trouble with
> is FFD. Before I spend too much time trying to get it working, I thought I
> would check, will FFD work in conjunction with a phase space source? I
> imagine it would, but have had some problems with phase space sources
> behaving differently to a normal gps source before, so thought it would be
> safer to check!
> Also, if you have a suggestion of a different technique to try to speed up
> my simulation, I would be happy to hear it.
> Many thanks,
> Miriam
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