[Gate-users] GATE Cluster Running with HTCondor

Lana Beck lana.beck at bristol.ac.uk
Thu Apr 2 01:30:11 CEST 2020

Dear Xinjie,

Here is an example of my condor script. It is tailored to our computing system so I'm not saying this is exactly what you should do. Perhaps you need the 'transfer_input_files' line to transfer the required file to your worker node? You can also see that I transfer a .placements file for placing geometrical objects and another file which has a script which transfers the created root files to the hadoop file system for storage when the job finishes.

Best wishes,

universe = vanilla
getenv = true
Executable     = /software/lbk/gate/GateInstall/bin/Gate
transfer_input_files = transfers/transfer_script_SmallExample, GateMaterials.db, Materials.xml, data/peaks.placements
request_cpus = 1
request_memory = 120
when_to_transfer_output = on_exit_or_evict
requirements=(OpSysAndVer == "SL6")
+PostCmd        = "transfer_script_SmallExample"

Arguments      = /users/lbk/Radiotherapy/gateSplitDir/.Gate//SmallExample1//SmallExample1.mac
Output         = /storage/lbk/SmallExample/SmallExample1.out
Error          = /storage/lbk/SmallExample/SmallExample1.err
Log            = /storage/lbk/SmallExample/SmallExample1.log

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