[Gate-users] mu_mass value not vary by varying thickness of slab and source energy- GateEmCalculatorActor

HUSSAIN KHALID / UPM gs54017 at student.upm.edu.my
Thu Sep 5 11:29:07 CEST 2019

Dear Gate Users,

Can anybody help me in the above problem? I will be very happy for your

On Wed, Sep 4, 2019 at 7:57 PM HUSSAIN KHALID / UPM <
gs54017 at student.upm.edu.my> wrote:

> Dear Gate Users,
> Please guide me, I want to calculate mass attenuation coefficients for
> physics process. As, mass attenuation coefficient depends on material
> density, thickness and no. of particles entering the absorbing material and
> no. of particles leaving the material without interactions.But I wonder to
> see that the value of mu_mass *does not change with changing the
> thickness* of the absorbing material to which this actor is attached.
> /gate/scanner/daughters/name slab
> /gate/scanner/daughters/insert box
> /gate/slab/geometry/setXLength 10. cm
> /gate/slab/geometry/setYLength 40. cm
> /gate/slab/geometry/setZLength .9525 cm
> /gate/slab/placement/setTranslation 0. 0. 20 cm
> /gate/slab/setMaterial  NaI # Sodium Iodide
> /gate/slab/vis/setVisible 1
> /gate/slab/vis/setColor blue
> /gate/slab/vis/forceWireframe
> /gate/slab/vis/setColor magenta
> /gate/slab/vis/forceWireframe
>  Secondly, it is also *not changing by changing the source energ*y. If I
> change the energy of source, it has no effect on mu_mass coefficient.
> /gate/source/addSource GammaSource
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/type Volume
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/shape Sphere
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/radius 0.5 cm
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/centre 0. 0. 0. cm
> /gate/source/GammaSource/attachTo           sphere1
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/particle gamma
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/energytype Mono
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/energy    141. keV
> /gate/source/GammaSource/setActivity 3000. Bq
> /gate/source/GammaSource/gps/direction      0. 0. 1
> Its value can *only change by changing the value of energy inside this
> actor.*
> #===================================================
> /gate/actor/addActor EmCalculatorActor            myEmActor
> /gate/actor/myEmActor/setParticleName               gamma
> /gate/actor/myEmActor/setEnergy                    * 141. keV*
> /gate/actor/myEmActor/attachTo                      slab
> /gate/actor/myEmActor/save                          output/myEmActor.txt
> I will be very happy for your guidance.
>  Thanking you.
> Regards


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