[Gate-users] Welcome the GateTools!

David Sarrut David.Sarrut at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Thu Dec 5 08:06:22 CET 2019

Dear Gate enthusiasts,

we have been working for months on a new side project of Gate, and this is
now the time for you to welcome ... the *Gatetools*!

Gatetools is a Python module that contains (hopefully) useful command-line
tools to help prepare or analyse Gate simulations. After a simple 'pip
install gatetools' (that may take some times because it will install large
dependence libraries such as itk or numpy), you will have access to a set
of 'gt_XXXX' command-line tools and a set of functions that can be used in
your Python scripts. For example: gamma index computation, conversion of
DICOM RT Proton Plan to GATE macros, conversion of DICOM RT Struct to
binary mask images, phase-space manipulation via numpy, image conversion,

You will find more details in the readme file of the source repository:

Conform to our policy, everything is open-source and we are happy to
welcome feedbacks and contributions. If you need help, please use the
mailing list. If you find bugs or have trouble, please fill an issue on the
Github. If you think that a new tool could be very useful to share, do not
hesitate to propose and contact us. However, keep in mind this is not a
sandbox (GateContrib plays that role). We plan to only include tools in
this module that 1) are generic enough, 2) well tested and maintained, 3)
consistent/complementary to the current tools. Again, do not hesitate to
contact us to discuss ideas. Be imaginative!

I want also to warmly thanks David Boersma and Thomas Baudier who
contribute a lot to this project.

A warning: this is the first time such a module is provided, and even if we
spend time to test it, it is not perfect and I am sure that bugs and
unplanned behaviours will be encountered. Please, be constructive in your

Looking forward, the new GATE version (probably 9.0) will be a large one
with a lot of new features and improvements. Among them: new output type
npy (numpy), new Compton Camera module, integration with PyTorch (yes, Gate
jump into AI)! The release will be published once the new Geant4 10.6 is

for the collaboration,
PS: remember the collaborative doc: https://opengate.readthedocs.io

David Sarrut, Phd
Directeur de recherche CNRS
CREATIS, UMR CNRS 5220, Inserm U1206
Centre de lutte contre le cancer Léon Bérard
28 rue Laënnec, 69373 Lyon cedex 08
Tel : 04 78 78 51 51 / 06 74 72 05 42
 "2 + 2 = 5,  for extremely large values of 2"
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