[Gate-users] Dose Actor output empty

Ani Ka anika-w at hotmail.de
Wed Sep 12 14:00:11 CEST 2018

Hello GATERs,

I have a question regarding a simulation of a brachytherapy treatment using Ir-192. I am using the DoseActor to gather the dose output in a .txt file. For some reason, the output comes out empty whenever I run the simulation.

I have tried increasing the numer of primaries and - as suggested in an earlier thread -  attaching  the source to a vacuum so that it isn't directly connected to the world. I've also varied the SetCutInRegion, just to try. Nothing seems to help.

I will attach the .mac files.

Another issue I'm having isthat the simulation is very slow (I've posted earlier about this), maybe someone has the time to take a look at the code and has an idea on how to improve it.

I'm very thankful for any input.

Best regards


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