[Gate-users] Column Titles in 'Coincidences.dat' ASCII output file

George Needham george.needham at postgrad.manchester.ac.uk
Tue Oct 30 12:33:27 CET 2018

Dear GATE users,

I'm trying to retrieve coincidence data from my PET simulation in order to plot a sinogram, however I'm having a little trouble understanding the column arrangement for the ASCII output for Coincidences. The column titles in ROOT output:

root [1] Coincidences->Show()
======> EVENT:-1
 runID           = 0
 axialPos        = 0
 rotationAngle   = 0
 eventID1        = 0
 sourceID1       = 0
 sourcePosX1     = 0
 sourcePosY1     = 0
 sourcePosZ1     = 0
 time1           = 0
 energy1         = 0
 globalPosX1     = 0
 globalPosY1     = 0
 globalPosZ1     = 0
 gantryID1       = 0
 blockID1        = 0
 crystalID1      = 0
 unused3ID1      = 0
 unused4ID1      = 0
 unused5ID1      = 0
 comptonPhantom1 = 0
 comptonCrystal1 = 0
 RayleighPhantom1 = 0
 RayleighCrystal1 = 0
 eventID2        = 0
 sourceID2       = 0
 sourcePosX2     = 0
 sourcePosY2     = 0
 sourcePosZ2     = 0
 time2           = 0
 energy2         = 0
 globalPosX2     = 0
 globalPosY2     = 0
 globalPosZ2     = 0
 gantryID2       = 0
 blockID2        = 0
 crystalID2      = 0
 unused3ID2      = 0
 unused4ID2      = 0
 unused5ID2      = 0
 comptonPhantom2 = 0
 comptonCrystal2 = 0
 RayleighPhantom2 = 0
 RayleighCrystal2 = 0
 sinogramTheta   = 0
 sinogramS       = 0
 comptVolName1   =
 comptVolName2   =
 RayleighVolName1 =
 RayleighVolName2 =

don't correspond to the same-indexed columns in the .dat file. Does anybody have the labels corresponding to the 40 columns in the ASCII .dat output file?

Many thanks,

George Needham
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