[Gate-users] Gate V8.1 coming soon

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 17:29:24 CET 2018

On 20 March 2018 at 12:06, JAN Sebastien wrote:
> Dear Gate-users,
> We are almost ready to release the next Gate version (V8.1). It will be
> based on the current "develop" branch of our Git repository.
> https://github.com/OpenGATE/Gate
> It should be released by the end of March (initially scheduled today…but
> most probably by the end of next week) so there is still time to propose
> changes or bug fixes by creating GitHub pull requests.

I was trying to create a package for MacPorts from the latest git
commit, but I'm still fighting with two problems:
- When I open Gate from app bundle, the icon bounces forever and
consumes 99% of processor doing nothing. If I kill it, I get
    LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file
- I seem to be unable to tell Gate which version of Geant4 I want to use.

You probably won't be able to help me with the first issue (I have no
clue where to start looking/debugging).
If any developer has access to mac, I can provide you instructions how
to build it in the same way / how to use-debug a package.
Version 7 worked somehow.

The second issue might be more general (and may not require any
changes in the sources). The problem is that CMake simply picks the
latest version of Geant4 that it finds. It used to respect
-DGeant4_DIR=, but apparently it no longer does.


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