[Gate-users] Fwd: Root Phase space

Consuelo Guardiola guardiola at imnc.in2p3.fr
Mon Mar 19 11:42:25 CET 2018

Hi Mery, 

I had a similar problem time ago with Gatev7.0. Although I think that it has been figured out in the last version. You may take a look of this gate forum loop regarding that issue: 


I finally went inside the .cc code and changed by myself a mistake therein. Not sure if it is your same problem, which depends on the Gate version you are using. 

I hope it helps! 

De: "Mery MB" <mery.mb.mph at gmail.com> 
À: gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org 
Envoyé: Lundi 19 Mars 2018 11:23:46 
Objet: [Gate-users] Fwd: Root Phase space 

---------- Forwarded message --------- 
From: Mery MB < [ mailto:mery.mb.mph at gmail.com | mery.mb.mph at gmail.com ] > 
Date: Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 2:06 PM 
Subject: Root Phase space 
To: < [ mailto:gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org | gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org ] > 

Hi Dear Gate user 

I try to get a root phase space and used in the second program. But I get this error 

"GateSourcePhaseSpace.cc (l.200): No particle type defined in phase space file." 

Is there any one have experience about this error? 


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