[Gate-users] (Source definition vs Physics) and (Singles vs Time information)

Katrin Schnürle katrin at schnuerle.org
Thu Jul 26 11:53:49 CEST 2018

Hi Dania,

I am not sure, if you can change  the physics lists for different 
volumes. I guess rather not. But I have different ideas that could maybe 
help you:

- Use cuts for the different particles in the different volumes. So 
maybe you can sort out  the particles that you don't want in your phantom.
- Same direction: use the kill actor to sort out particles that you 
don't want.
- Other idea: split up your simulation in 2 with the use of phase space 
as actor in the first and as source in the second. See here: how to 
separate the phantom and detector tracking - phase space approach: 

Good luck!

On 26/07/2018 11:19, Dania Consuegra wrote:
> Dear Gate user,
> - I would like to know if it is possible to set and specific Physics 
> (just with few processes) for and specific volume of my geometry and a 
> more complicated one for the rest of my geometry....
> My problem is that when I use a 18F source with all the Physics enable 
> for all the geometry I have Cherenkov Photon production even in the 
> Phantom, then my simulation becomes very slow and at some point stop 
> the computer because needs more than 7GiB of memory ....
> For the phantom I just need to take into account the basic processes 
> (PhotoElectric, Compton etc, but not the Optical ones neither 
> Scintillation or Chererenkov)....
> - I also have the following question about the time information that 
> it is stored in Singles output.root....
> t1 and t2 correspond to the first Cherenkov Photon detected in each 
> direction, or it is a time1, time2 average of all the detected 
> Cherenkov Photon per/ 511 keV gamma in each direction....
> Any help I would really appreciate it....
> Kind regards,
> Dania Consuegra Rodríguez
> Phd student Jožef Stefan Institute
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