[Gate-users] Unexpected results in Optical Simulation

Aida Pena aidapenagil at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 12:16:25 CET 2018

Hello everyone!

I am taking my first steps in simulations with Optical Photons and I tried
to simulate only a small squared detector 10 mm apart from a point source,
placed at the origin, with a LYSO crystal between them.

When checking the output, I was expecting that, when inspecting the
position in the singles root file, most of them would be at 10 mm, where
the surface of the detector is placed. However, the majority of them are
distributed around 9.8mm. I attach a histogram of the obtained results
where the distribution can be seen best.

I am a bit lost right now and I cannot figure out if the problem is
somewhere in the definition of the simulation, or if I am examining wrong
the results. Should I take a look to other parameters, like the last Hit,
or try another different approach? I'd be very grateful for some help.

Thank you in advance!

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