[Gate-users] DoseActor sensitivity to setResolution

tstoole tstoole at zoho.com
Mon Aug 13 20:01:07 CEST 2018

Hi, I am trying to determine the accumulated dose at the isocenter of a CT. I have been adjusting the parameter setResolution and looking at the effect it has on the total dose. My understanding is that setResolution will divide up my dose actor volume into  this many dosels to measure the dose. I expected that if I continued to increase the setResolution values, the sum of the values in the dose output file would approach some value, the total dose (in Gy). But I am seeing that as I increase  the setResolution values, the the sum of the values in myDoseActorOutput.txt file keeps increasing. If someone can please let me know what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate it very much. I am using vGate8.0. Here is the part of my simulation that deals with the dose actor. Thanks, Terry /gate/world/daughters/name airCyl /gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder /gate/airCyl/geometry/setRmin 0.0 mm /gate/airCyl/geometry/setRmax 3.09 mm /gate/airCyl/geometry/setHeight 100.0 mm /gate/airCyl/placement/setRotationAxis 0 1 0 /gate/airCyl/placement/setRotationAngle 90.0 deg /gate/airCyl/setMaterial Air /gate/airCyl/vis/forceSolid #/gate/airCyl/vis/forceWireframe /gate/airCyl/vis/setColor magenta /gate/actor/addActor DoseActor                myDoseActor /gate/actor/myDoseActor/save                  myDoseActorOutput.txt /gate/actor/myDoseActor/attachTo              airCyl /gate/actor/myDoseActor/enableDose            true /gate/actor/myDoseActor/enableEdep            false /gate/actor/myDoseActor/enableUncertaintyDose false /gate/actor/myDoseActor/enableUncertaintyEdep false /gate/actor/myDoseActor/enableNumberOfHits    true /gate/actor/myDoseActor/stepHitType           random #/gate/actor/myDoseActor/setSize 100 100 100 mm /gate/actor/myDoseActor/setResolution 100 100 50
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