[Gate-users] How do you use the Fluence Actor and get meaningful results?

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Tue Oct 17 10:30:19 CEST 2017

The FluenceActor has been developed to record the particles entering a
volume. To do this, it checks if you are at a geometric boundary
step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary
Here you set the size and the position so it might not be aligned with any
boundary and therefore returns a zero image. I would suggest creating a
daughter volume of the waterbox and attach the fluence actor to this
daughter volume.
Note that setResolution does not take a unit, it's a number of voxels.

On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Kurt V <kurtv1 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> How do you use the Fluence Actor and get meaningful results?
> I want to generate data for two plots:
> 1) A 2D graph of fluence vs energy
> 2) A fluence image in 2D (Slice of 3D).
> I cannot seem to use the Fluence actor in .mhd/.raw to get meaningful data.
> My script for the FluenceActor is simplified and I will attach the macro.
> All other doseactors run fine but, I am putting them in root/.txt output.
> What happens is I run the FluenceActor macro, I open up the .mhd file with
> vV to visualize and I just get full black/white or full color images and no
> meaningful data. The same thing for ImageJ.
> Is there some catch to using vV to view this image type or something I am
> missing?
> (Any help on how to interpret the FluenceActor in .mhd/.raw format is
> greatly appreciated.
> Thank you, Kurt W. Van Delinder
> # Fluence Tumor #
> /gate/actor/addActor FluenceActor          FluTumor
> /gate/actor/FluTumor/save                        output/FluTumor.hdr
> /gate/actor/FluTumor/attachTo                waterbox
> /gate/actor/FluTumor/stepHitType          pre
> /gate/actor/FluTumor/setPosition            0 0 0 cm
> /gate/actor/FluTumor/setSize                   2 2 2 cm
> /gate/actor/FluTumor/setResolution       10 10 10 mm
> /gate/actor/FluTumor/enableScatter       true
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