[Gate-users] Dose Actor

meryem fiak fiakmeryem.13 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 15:08:39 CEST 2017

Dear all,

I'm a beginner in gate and i need some , I use gate in radiation therapy in
order to calculate pdd and profile dose in a water tank and compare them
with  measurements.

I do not know what method I should use,

I have to calculate the PDD and profile dose  throughout  the water thank
(60*60*60 cm) and at 10 cm depth. The volume of the ionization chamber is
0.8 cm3.

/gate/actor/addActor                     DoseActor  dose3d
/gate/actor/dose3d/save                  output/dose3D.hdr
/gate/actor/dose3d/attachTo              waterbox
/gate/actor/dose3d/stepHitType           random
/gate/actor/dose3d/setPosition           0 0 0 cm
/gate/actor/dose3d/setSize               60 60 60 cm
/gate/actor/dose3d/setResolution         30 30 300
#/gate/actor/dose3d/saveEveryNSeconds     60
/gate/actor/dose3d/enableEdep            true
/gate/actor/dose3d/enableDose            true

This method is valid or not?, and if i want to calculate to 10 cm depth, i
can just change the position to     /gate/actor/dose3d/setPosition
0 0 10 cm

I use another method where I divide the water tank to dosels with a step of
0.5 cm (see figure below), vertical dosels for PDD and horizontal for dose

Among the two methods where is  the most valid method to compare with the

*Thank  you for any help*

[image: Images intégrées 1]

*Ms*.*FIAK Meriem*
*Job Title: Phd Student *
*University of  Hassan II-Casablanca*
*Faculty of sciences Ben M'sik*
*Department of physics*
Laboratory of the Physics of Condensed Matter
Team of Subatomic and Applications Research
*E-mail: fiakmeryem.13 at gmail.com <fiakmeryem.13 at gmail.com>*

sans virus. www.avast.com
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