[Gate-users] Fw: 02 Dose Actor shows empty results

Emmanuel Marfo emmanuel.marfo at postgrad.otago.ac.nz
Mon Jun 26 10:53:27 CEST 2017

From: maikol salas ramirez <mmsalas at gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, 26 June 2017 8:46 p.m.
To: Emmanuel Marfo
Subject: Re: 02 [Gate-users] Dose Actor shows empty results

Hi Emmanuel

I think, I found the reason, the problem is resolved when you attach the phantom to the scanner, instead to the world.
Also I found in the actor a typing error with the pixel size.

I did many changes, in the very beginning I try many things because I never expect that the error was related with the attached volume. But in the other hand I improved your physics library to have a better Dose quantification.
I did some clean and order just to help me to understand. I change your matrix to image file, you can open it using Fiji-ImajeJ. In any case many something can help you to improve your code, I recommend you don use directly my code version, it is better that you check and chose what can be useful.

If you have a question just ask me.

Best regards

2017-06-23 11:31 GMT+02:00 Emmanuel Marfo <emmanuel.marfo at postgrad.otago.ac.nz<mailto:emmanuel.marfo at postgrad.otago.ac.nz>>:

Please Sir

Thanks for your quick response.

 I have attached all files for your perusal. However, when I remove all my geometry (tubecase, anode, phantom, applied table and Detectorplane) from the gantry((scanner)(cylinder) and without any rotation o it I am able to score dose.

Best regards,


From: maikol salas ramirez <mmsalas at gmail.com<mailto:mmsalas at gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, 23 June 2017 8:16:32 p.m.
To: Emmanuel Marfo
Subject: 02 [Gate-users] Dose Actor shows empty results

Hi Emmanuel

As I told you, I work in nuclear medicine. But the principle is the same for your simulation and my simulation, the difference come from the energy spectrum and particles (in my case I simulate electron, photons and alphas). I think that maybe I can help you.

>From my point of view, there are some possible problem:
1- Few particles simulated.
2- Few particles reach the sensible volume (dose actor + phantom)
3- Your dose actor it is no well attached to your phantom (interaction medium - patient or water phantom). Something happen that they are not in the same position, and you have to shift your actor matrix.

Can you share with me your actor and geometry files?
I think, it is a easy way to see in detail what is the problem.

Best regards

2017-06-23 6:47 GMT+02:00 Emmanuel Marfo <emmanuel.marfo at postgrad.otago.ac.nz<mailto:emmanuel.marfo at postgrad.otago.ac.nz>>:

Dear Gate-Users,

Please, I am dosimetry and I have imported x-ray energy spectrum and using it to score Dose on PMMA phantom. I placed my source in a rotating cylinder name scanner and is to rotate around the phantom where I have a dose Actor to it. The idea behind the rotating cylinder is to simulate a rotating gantry. The rotation of the cylinder and the source and the simulation work successfully but the dose Actors shows empty results.

Please, has anyone experienced this kind problem before and is there something I can do to solve my problem. Thanks.

Best regards,

Emmanuel Marfo

University of Otago


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