[Gate-users] problem: running gate on a cluster

Parisa Khateri parisa.khateri at cern.ch
Tue Jul 25 14:44:47 CEST 2017

Dear Andreas,

Thank you, sure! I used exactly the same condor script which is provided by gate in cluster_tools directory.  The content of the macro file is as follows:

# +-------------------------------+ #
# |  R U N   C O N D I T I O N S  | #
# +-------------------------------+ #

# directory to run parameters
/control/alias      run_dir            runs/1499851508_STiC_prototype_normalization_cylinder_run_STiC_prototype

/control/execute        runs/1499851508_STiC_prototype_normalization_cylinder_run_STiC_prototype/parameters.mac

#  SOURCE  #
/control/alias      source_x            0.0
/control/alias      source_y            0.0
/control/alias      source_z            0.0
/control/alias      source_activity     1000000.0
/control/alias      n_primaries         300000000

/control/execute        phantoms/water_cylinder.mac

#   output filename
/control/alias      root_filename       1499851508_STiC_prototype_normalization_cylinder_run_STiC_prototype_root
/control/alias      ascii_filename      1499851508_STiC_prototype_normalization_cylinder_run_STiC_prototype_ascii

#   timing
/control/alias      slice_time          1.0
/control/alias      start_time          0.0
/control/alias      stop_time           1.0

# energy cut
/control/alias      min_energy          350. keV
/control/alias      max_energy          650. keV

# coincidences
/control/alias      coincidence_window 500 ps
/control/alias      multiple_coincidence_policy takeWinnerOfGoods

# set rng seed
/gate/random/setEngineName MersenneTwister
/gate/random/setEngineSeed 183650931

#  STiC_prototype  #
/control/execute    geometries/STiC_prototype_module_scanner/STiC_prototype_module_scanner_geometry_parameters.mac

/control/execute    runs/1499851508_STiC_prototype_normalization_cylinder_run_STiC_prototype/setup.mac

/control/execute      sources/cylinder_F18.mac

#/control/execute        gate_stuff/visualization.mac


# for splitting on clusters
/gate/cluster/setTimeSplitHalflife 6600. s


From: Andreas Resch [resch.andi at gmail.com]
Sent: 25 July 2017 13:57
To: Parisa Khateri
Subject: Re: [Gate-users] problem: running gate on a cluster

Hi Parisa,

can you add your "my_macro.mac" and condor script, to the mailing list? otherwise it is almost impossible to look for the error.


2017-07-25 13:49 GMT+02:00 Parisa Khateri <parisa.khateri at cern.ch<mailto:parisa.khateri at cern.ch>>:
Dear Gate developers and Gate users,

I am new to Gate and am trying to run gate on a cluster but I can't get any actors as output. The .Gate folder is empty.

When I run:
gjs -numberofsplits 2 -clusterplatform condor -condorscript /path-to-gate/Gate/cluster_tools/jobsplitter/script/condor.script path-to-macro/my_macro.mac

I get:
Summary of all actors:
***** TimeStart - TimeStop seems to be 0 ?

I really appreciate if anyone can help me to solve this problem. I am not sure where to look to solve the problem, if the problem is with installation of gjs or something is wrong with my macro file?
I used this macro without clustering and it works properly.

Kind regards,

Gate-users mailing list
Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org<mailto:Gate-users at lists.opengatecollaboration.org>

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