[Gate-users] Cannot get characteristic photons, gamma-rays from Gadolinium/Boron neutron cross section.

Kurt V kurtv1 at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 19 01:54:53 CET 2017

I am trying to run an example of a proton beam on gadolinium/Boron within the spread out bragg peak region and a detector just outside of the region.

The idea is to use the neutron fluence that the proton beam creates to reproduce a neutron-Gd/Boron reaction.
>From this process, characteristic photons and gamma-rays should be detected but, they are not being properly represented.

I am using the QGSP_BERT_HP_EMV physics list and I’ve added /gate/physics/addAtomDeexcitation
In theory everything should work but, the correct spectrum is not being produced showing the resulting photons/gamma-rays in the spectrum.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Is there some catch that I am missing?

Thanks again guys,
All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Kurt W. Van Delinder

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