[Gate-users] attachVoxelPhantomSD experience?

Niels van der Werf nrvdwerf at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 09:41:38 CEST 2017

Dear GATE-users,

Although my simulation is running very well in GATE, I cannot get any dose information with the attachVoxelPhantomSD command.

Is there anyone with experience with this command? 

There aren’t any available working examples as far as I can see. I tried it in the same way as the manual describes:

# Create a simple phantom called CCD 
/gate/world/daughters/name CCD 
/gate/world/daughters/insert parameterizedBoxMatrix

# Read the file : a 300x300x1 array 
/gate/CCD/geometry/insertReader image 
/gate/CCD/imageReader/insertTranslator tabulated 
/gate/CCD/imageReader/tabulatedTranslator/readTable ccdTable.dat 
/gate/CCD/imageReader/readFile ccd300Phantom.dat

# Place the phantom and rotate it so that it is in the XZ plane 
/gate/CCD/placement/setTranslation 0 -82.269 0 mm 
/gate/CCD/placement/setRotationAxis 1 0 0 
/gate/CCD/placement/setRotationAngle 90 deg

# Attach the phantom SD and the output module 
/gate/CCD/addOutput doseOutput 
/gate/output/doseOutput/saveUncertainty true 
/gate/output/doseOutput/setFileName ccdDose.bin
I hope someone can help me with this question!

Niels van der Werf
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