[Gate-users] Problems compiling Gate_v7.2, using Ubuntu 16.04

David Boersma david.boersma at physics.uu.se
Tue Nov 29 17:35:52 CET 2016

Hi Nicolas,

Glad I could help so far.

Den 29/11/2016 kl. 17:16, skrev Triltsch, Nicolas:
> Hey David,
> Okay, pretty cool, thanks!! With Root v5 it works now:) It compiles 100%
> correct with ITK/RTK = OFF. But if I switch them ON, I get the following
> *error* after 99% of compiling:

(linking error about missing libITKReview)

Did you maybe compile ITK from source? If you did, then you may need to 
go into the "advanced" options in ccmake (in the *ITK* build directory), 
and in the long list of "modules" you need to enable the "review" 
module. Rebuild and reinstall ITK, then redo the GATE build (I think it 
would be good to start from cmake).

I have no clue what this "Review" module does, but when I compiled 
"elastix" (a popular open source image registration program based on 
ITK) I got a very similar build error. However, I think that elastix 
checks the availability of that ITK Review module already during CMake, 
instead of letting the linker stumble over it. Maybe we need to make 
copy-steal this very useful cmake-check into the GATE CMakeLists.txt as 
well (assuming that this indeed fixes your linking problem).


> Additionally, I get a *warning *after 60%:

That warning looks harmless.
(Famous last words....)


> Any further ideas? Thanks a lot so far!
> Nico
> On 11/29/2016 05:02 PM, David Boersma wrote:
>> Hi Nicolas,
>> Den 29/11/2016 kl. 16:19, skrev Triltsch, Nicolas:
>>> Hey,
>>> if I put both options to OFF, I obtain following errors:
>>> Hope someone can help me:)
>> That error ("kCanRebin is not a member of TH1") looks like you are
>> trying to build Gate 7.2 with ROOT 6.x.y instead of ROOT 5.x.y. This
>> has been fixed in the development version (where "fixed" means: you
>> can use either ROOT 5 or 6).
>> I *think* (someone please correct me if I'm wrong) that the only
>> necessary code change is in
>> source/digits_hits/src/GateSecondaryProductionActor.cc,
>> where you need to replace this line (line number 61) ...
>> pFrag->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin);
>> ... by the following blurb:
>>   pFrag->SetCanExtend(TH1::kXaxis); // <--- Root6
>> #else
>>   pFrag->SetBit(TH1::kCanRebin); // <--- Root5
>> #endif
>> Alternative solutions:
>> (A) use the development version (with ROOT 6 or ROOT 5)
>> (B) if you really want the GATE v7.2 release, without hacks: install
>> ROOT version 5.x.y and make sure that this is the only ROOT version
>> that is visible/used in your shell environment (during compiling,
>> linking *and* running).
>> Hope that helps,
>> David Boersma
>>> On 11/29/2016 04:06 PM, G Cosme wrote:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> When compiling GATE with ccmake, do you have the options
>>>> off? If on, try to compile with both options off.
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>> Gonçalo
>>>> 2016-11-29 15:03 GMT+00:00 Triltsch, Nicolas <nicolas.triltsch at tum.de
>>>> <mailto:nicolas.triltsch at tum.de>>:
>>>>     Hey everyone,
>>>>     After having problems with my current gate installation, I decided
>>>>     to reinstall GATE. Therefore I deleted the 3 folders /gate_v7.2/,
>>>>     /gate_v7.2-build/ and /gate_v7.2-install/. I downloaded the
>>>>     gate_v7.2 source code again from
>>>> /http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Compilation_Instructions_V7.2
>>>> <http://wiki.opengatecollaboration.org/index.php/Compilation_Instructions_V7.2>/
>>>>     and created new folders /gate_v7.2-build/ and /gate_v7.2-install/.
>>>>     Then I wanted to compile the source code using ccmake, but I get
>>>>     the following error after around 10% of compiling progress:
>>>>     "
>>>>     /-- Downloaded object:
>>>> "/usr/local/bin/gate_v7.2-build/ExternalData/Objects/MD5/b809cfe42b1697c39fe95649dede4240"//
>>>>     //CMakeFiles/Makefile2:141: recipe for target
>>>>     'CMakeFiles/GateExampleData.dir/all' failed//
>>>>     //make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/GateExampleData.dir/all] Error 2//
>>>>     //Makefile:127: recipe for target 'all' failed//
>>>>     //make: *** [all] Error 2/
>>>>     "
>>>>     Any ideas? I suspect there might be something wrong with the
>>>>     download of the Examples...
>>>>     Thanks!
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