[Gate-users] Fluence Actor

Simon Rit simon.rit at creatis.insa-lyon.fr
Mon Nov 21 07:48:47 CET 2016

I think that this is meant to be used in combination with
GateScatterOrderTrackInformation. Every time an interaction occurs in the
volume to which GateScatterOrderTrackInformation is attached, this
information will be added to a user structure of the particle track. When
recording the fluence with the GateFluenceActor, it will check the same
structure of the particle and record the particle in separate images. This
has been developped to measure the amount of Compton vs Rayleigh scatter
and I think it currently works for photons only since only Compton,
Rayleigh and Fluorescence are tracked.
I hope this helps,

On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 7:17 PM, Triltsch, Nicolas <nicolas.triltsch at tum.de>

> Hi everyone,
> I really enjoy this support, as it was a great help so far. A new question
> poped up my mind when dealing with the so called FluenceActor.
> As it is written in the Wiki, the option enableScatter prints out the .mhd
> image for scattering. I assume that Compton and Rayleigh scatter are
> combined here. But it should be possible to get the two scatter images
> separate using the command
> */gate/actor/DetectorFluence/separateProcessFilename*. In the Wiki it
> says to do the following:
> "Set the file name for the different scatter x-rays processes that hit the
> detector (printf format with runId as a single parameter)"
> But I don't understand that! Any help would be great?
> Cheers,
> Nico
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