[Gate-users] ECAT7 for GATE v7.1

Pete Z. Wu pzw at ns.ph.liv.ac.uk
Tue Sep 22 03:47:43 CEST 2015

Dear Gate Experts,

I recently managed to install Gate v7.1 on my Macbook Pro OSX10.10 and  
can run gate by typing “Gate” in the terminal. However, since I’m  
working on simulations for a PET detector. I should have included  
ECAT7 library. My previous attempts to include the DGATE_USE_ECAT7=ON  
flag resulted in unsuccessful process during running of cmake.

My current installation configuration settings are:

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/gate_v7.1-install  
-DGEANT4_USE_SYSTEM_CLHEP=OFF /usr/local/gate_v7.1

Now that I have a working version of gate_v7.1, is there a way to turn  
on the flag for ECAT7 without having to do a fresh installation of GATE?

Your help will be very much appreciated.

Many thanks,


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