[Gate-users] Physic list builder for proton simulation in Gate 7.0

林 信宏 muska0345 at msn.com
Fri Mar 13 19:21:07 CET 2015

Dear All:I'm experiencing some trouble of proton simulations with Gate7.0. Originally, I used Gate6.1 with physic model list suggested by OpenGATE website and the simulation of prompt gammas induced by proton irradiation seems well. However, when I change Gate 6.1 to Gate7.0 and use the  physic list builder    provided by the Geant4 community  (emstandard_opt3 + QGSP_EBRT HP)。The amount of prompt gamma in Gate 7.0 are much fewer than   the   results of Gate 6.1.   Can anyone help me what is wrong with my configuration parameters?/gate/physics/addPhysicsList  QGSP_BERT_HP_EMY/gate/physics/addPhysicsList  emstandard_opt3/gate/physics/displayCuts/gate/physics/print output/physics.txt Best regards, Hsin-Hon Lin Postdoctoral research fellow Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental SciencesNational Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 		 	   		  
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