[Gate-users] A problem with phase space actor - store outgoing particles

S. Saghamanesh s.saghamanesh at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 25 10:43:53 CEST 2015

Hello Gate users,
I found a weird problem with a command related to phase space actor. In Gate documentation, it's said we can store informations related to outgoing particles from a certain volume attached to this actor. 
But as I use of "/gate/actor/MyActor/storeOutgoingParticles", the actor still stores the information related to ingoing particles (the default). Why doesn't this command work? Does anyone have any info about this bug?!
Note: I simply tested it with 30 keV gamma photons passing totally through a 3-cm gold actor in one direction, where naturally we should see no particles after this volume, but I still see nearly the whole photons stored in my phase space.root file for the outgoing particles!
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