[Gate-users] Model warning

Andre Kyme akyme at ucdavis.edu
Fri Aug 21 19:07:08 CEST 2015

Hi GATE users,

Whenever I run a PET simulation in GATE 6.1, part of the verbose output is:

[G4] ### WARNING: G4UrbanMscModel90 model is used for e+ !!!
[G4] ###          This model should be used only for heavy particles
[G4] ### WARNING: G4UrbanMscModel90 model is used for e- !!!
[G4] ###          This model should be used only for heavy particles

Can anyone tell me if this is a warning I should be concerned about?



PS. apologies if this message posted twice

Andre Kyme
Department of Biomedical Engineering
University of California, Davis
T: +1 (530) 302 6800
E: akyme at ucdavis.edu<mailto:msjudenhofer at ucdavis.edu>
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