[Gate-users] Need help with CT simulation output

Karl Spuhler karl.spuhler at stonybrook.edu
Mon Nov 24 18:33:23 CET 2014

Hello fellow Gate users,

I am currently writing the simulation for a CT idea my group is interested
in.This is my first time using Gate and as such I have a few questions that
hopefully do not seem too trivial to you all:

1) I have been examining the CT examples provided and have not been able to
find a utility to open/view the output coming from
"/gate/output/imageCT/setFileName benchmarkCT" if anyone can suggest a way
to view these images on Ubuntu I would be very grateful;

2) My group wants to have a copy of the projection we acquire in each time
slice, is there a predetermined way to get these as an output? Our ideal
output would be an ASCII file that printed the pixel ID of each sensitive
region on the detector that got hit by a photon.

Karl Spuhler

SUNY Stony Brook
PhD Student
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