[Gate-users] The root-output for the PhaseSpaceActor

Jenny Nilsson jenny.nilsson at radfys.gu.se
Mon Nov 3 12:47:21 CET 2014

Dear Gate-users,

I have two questions about the PhaseSpaceActor. I’ve searched the mailing-list with no luck.

Simulation set-up: A Co-60 point source in the centre of a water-filled sphere, radius 10 cm. Centre of sphere at (0,0,0). The Co-60 source is defined as an ion source and decays. The world is outside sphere and the PhaseSpaceActor is attached to the world. The table shows data extracted from the root file (the first 12 particle entries).

1. At row 0 and 6, there is a particle with kinetic energy 1 MeV at position (0,0,0). Co-60 does not emit 1 MeV particles and the lack of decimals for Ekine and source position (X, Y, Z) makes me believe that this is not a usual particle entry. It seems like every decay starts with this particle. Does anyone know more about the origin of row 0 and 6?

2. From the manual about the PhaseSpaceActor : ”This actor records information about particles entering the volume which the actor is attached to…x. The name of the particle, the kinetic energy, the position along the three axes, the direction along the three axes…” The positions (X, Y, Z) are both inside and outside the volume to which the PhaseSpaceActor is attached. Is the position in the root file the particle position from which it originates, before entering the volume to which the PhaseSpaceActor is attached?

 Row          Ekine     Weight           X               Y               Z              dX              dY              dZ       ParticleN       Productio       Productio

0       1       1       0       0       0        0.8275845       -0.542834       -0.142950       Co60[0.0]       scanner_l
1        0.1966645      1        0.0012719       -0.000834       -0.000219       -0.429716       0.4251133       -0.796632              e-       scanner_l       Radioacti
2        0.1214847      1        0.0012719       -0.000834       -0.000219       0.5730408       0.0333085       -0.818849       anti_nu_e       scanner_l       Radioacti
3        2.727e-06      1        0.0012719       -0.000834       -0.000219       0.2551139       -0.384539       0.8871561       Ni60[2505       scanner_l       Radioacti
4        1.1732176      1        0.0012723       -0.000834       -0.000218       -0.960432       -0.261985       -0.094516           gamma       scanner_l       Radioacti
5        1.3324921      1        0.0012723       -0.000834       -0.000218       -0.083264       -0.878164       0.4710559           gamma       scanner_l       Radioacti
6       1       1       0       0       0        0.8887608       0.0749674       0.4521991       Co60[0.0]       scanner_l       Radioacti
7        0.0789978      1        0.0013659       0.0001152       0.0006949       0.0645403       -0.209042       -0.975774              e-       scanner_l       Radioacti
8        0.2391535      1        0.0013659       0.0001152       0.0006949       0.6967408       0.5879607       0.4109191       anti_nu_e       scanner_l       Radioacti
9        6.863e-07      1        0.0013659       0.0001152       0.0006949       -0.670755       -0.285273       0.6846210       Ni60[2505       scanner_l       Radioacti
10       1.1732176      1        0.0013653       0.0001149       0.0006956       0.6809428       0.4493534       -0.578271           gamma       scanner_l       Radioacti
11       0.0083415      1        50.464988       33.301002       -42.85412       -0.179916       -0.516923       -0.836910              e-       scanner_l         Compton
12       1.3324921      1        0.0013653       0.0001149       0.0006956       0.7317848       0.6797550       -0.049233           gamma       scanner_l       Radioacti

Best regards,
Jenny Nilsson

Jenny Nilsson Ph. D.
Institute of Clinical Sciences
Department of Radiation Physics
University of Gothenburg Sweden

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