[Gate-users] Orientation of mhd file

Jérôme Suhard jerome at suhard.fr
Wed Jul 9 15:09:41 CEST 2014


2014-07-09 15:01 GMT+02:00 Albert Hirtl <albert.hirtl at meduniwien.ac.at>:

> If I display the CT using OGLSX it seems to be bottom up.

You mean OGL*I*X, right ?

> /gate/patient/placement/setRotationAxis           0 0 1
> /gate/patient/placement/setRotationAngle         XXXX  deg
> it stays the same. In vv it was in the correct orientation. The box that
> is plotted around the CT seems to be rotating, however. Do I make anything
> wrong? Or is just the image that I see in OGLSX not rotating?

can you give the most small macro with the CT showing this behaviour ?


Jérôme Suhard
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