[Gate-users] Reading in tissues / organs from the Zubal phantom

Mike Tabriz mtabriz at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 8 01:25:18 CEST 2014

Dear Gate users,
I am trying to simulate energy distribution originating from different source organs. My final output images appear to be very illogical which makes me suspect there is a problem with the way I set up tissues / organs.
I am using the Zubal phantom which comes with unique index numbers for each individual tissue / organ. So the way I have associated each organ with their respective index numbers is as follows:
0   1   Vacuum
1   2   Skin
2   3   Brain
3   4   SpinalCord
4   5   Skull
5   6   Spine
6   7   RibCage
7   8   Pelvis
My question is whether this is the right way of reading in the organs and if not whether you could make a suggestion as to how I can correctly identify these tissues so that GATE recognizes them.

Thank you in advance.
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