[Gate-users] About Output File

Tasneem Rahman Tasneem.Rahman at student.adfa.edu.au
Thu Jan 30 11:25:45 CET 2014

Dear Gate Users,

I am using benchSPECT provided by GATE  and after simulation I actually get three files i.e. '.sin', '.hdr' and '.root'.

How do I view the .sin file? Also, how do I actually get the projection images? Is there any matlab command for that? I have used 'interfileread', fopen, fread commands but .sin file didn't work.

I have root output enabled - I can see the different graphs that the Hits and Singles trees generate but is there a way to arrive at the numbers behind the graphs? For instance, how do we know the
position (energy, time, etc) of a certain event at the detector?

Please let me know.


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