[Gate-users] Define scanning geometry

Marc Chamberland MarcChamberland at cmail.carleton.ca
Tue Jan 28 01:25:34 CET 2014

Hi Stephen,

I've had something like that happen to me before. In my case, the culprit was either the wrong line endings (for example, Unix vs Windows line endings) in the material file, or some other invisible characters that threw off Gate when reading the file.

I suggest you create a new blank text file and copy the material database to that new text file (all within vGate). Then use this new material file.

And if this does not work, then I do not know what's going on.

Good luck!


Marc Chamberland, MSc
PhD candidate
Department of Physics
Carleton University
Ottawa (ON)

On Jan 27, 2014, at 15:40, Stephen Yip <stephen.fyip1 at gmail.com<mailto:stephen.fyip1 at gmail.com>> wrote:


I am trying to create a sub-volume & insert material to it.

For example:

/gate/world/daughters/name cylindricalPET
/gate/world/daughters/insert cylinder
/gate/cylindricalPET/setMaterial Water

It complained that /home/gate/Progs/gate_v6.2/source/geometry/src/GateMaterialDatabase.cc<http://GateMaterialDatabase.cc> .....GateMaterialDatabase: could not find the definition for material 'Water' in Material files....

It then kicked me out of vGate and closed OGLSX

Does anyone know what I did wrong?


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