[Gate-users] A warning in SPECT simulation

Hojjat Mahani hojjat.mahani at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 20 06:02:13 CET 2014

Dear GATE users,

I have encountered a warning during my SPECT simulation as below (both GATE 6.1 and GATE 6.2):

WARNING - G4Navigator::ComputeStep()
          Track stuck, not moving for 10 steps
          in volume -collimator_phys- at point (36.652,10.0921,17.6475)
          direction: (0.907975,0.402416,-0.116805).
          Potential geometry or navigation problem !
          Trying pushing it of 1e-07 mm ...

I re-checked the geometry, and everything seems to be right without any overlapping in it.

Although, such a warning had not any side effect in the output results, but, I would like to know the origin of this warning.  

Thank you in advance, 

Hojjat Mahani, 
PhD Candidate of Medical Radiation Engineering,
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