[Gate-users] Wrong hits labeled "Transportation" in Hits.dat

Amy Meldrum ameldru at g.clemson.edu
Fri Feb 21 18:33:51 CET 2014

Gate users,

I am simulating an alpha source hitting a scintillator sheet. With my
simple geometry of just the scintillator and pmt, the hits in my Hits.dat
data file corresponded to optical photons that crossed into my pmt, which
had the perfect_apd surface. However now when I add another volume I
designated as 'Foil' that is above my scintillator and pmt, all of the
'hits' in my Hits.dat file correspond to optical photons entering my Foil
volume, even though I did not specify its surface to be a dielectric_metal
surface of any kind.

Is there a reason why this is happening? Just by adding this foil above my
scintillator layer, I am no longer getting any optical photons reaching my
pmt, when I was hoping the foil would act as a reflector, and reflect
optical photons down towards the pmt.

Thank you,

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