[Gate-users] About understanding the root files

Simon Stute gate.stute at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 11:19:01 CET 2014

Hi Tasneem,

These graphs are histograms. So Y axis is the number of events (Hits,
Singles or Coincidences your are looking at) per histogram bin. The X axis
corresponds to the leave you are looking at.
For the energy, it is quite straightforward.
Each event has a different eventID, but as you are looking at a histogram,
the X axis is not continuous, it is binned = it is cut into intervals. So
it counts the number of event corresponding to this interval.

If you want to do more with the root browser, you should have a look at the
official root documentation.
Otherwise you can analyse the data inside the root file by using the
built-in C++ interpretor of the root software.
You can also refer to the root documentation for a deep understanding.
Otherwise, just take the C++ code from one of the benchmarks in the Gate
repository and modify it to do what you want to do, that's how everybody
will usually start.


On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Tasneem Rahman <
Tasneem.Rahman at student.adfa.edu.au> wrote:

>  Hi All,
> I need your help to understand the root files. When I open the Root Object
> Browser, I can see the trees under the root file, i.e. Hits;92......Singles;37
> .... Like this.
> Then under each tree I can see certain leaves. But I cannot actually
> interpret those figures based on X-Y axis.
> For instance, please find the attachments. In figure 1: eventID: What
> means the values in X and Y. Same question is for figure 2 and 3.
> Also how can I proceed with Root files. Is there any link or document to
> understand root files in better ways? And is it only to observe graphs? Or
> I can fetch some data from these graphs?
> Please help me with your expertise knowledge.
> Cheers,
> Tasneem
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