[Gate-users] Problem in the number of the emited positrons by F18 point source

Mahdjoub Hamdi mahdjoub.hamdi at hotmail.fr
Fri Sep 27 18:03:47 CEST 2013

Dear all Gate experts and users,

  Let's first identify the problem, I need to count the total number of the
emitted e+ by F18 source. For that I have simulated F18 point source placed
in the center of water cylinder. The information about the number of emitted
events is obtained by using Gate in Tracker Mode. But the number of total
emitted was not as specified by the command:
/gate/source/Source/setActivity 10 becquerel .

As an example, for 10 becquerel I obtained 12 e+, 17 e+, 6e+, 15 e+ when I
repeated execution of  the same simulation 4 times always with 10 becquerel.

And, if there is another way to track particles in the phantom I'll be

Here is my macro for the source: 

# SOURCE 1 #
/gate/source/addSource fluor18
/gate/source/fluor18/setActivity 10. becquerel
/gate/source/fluor18/gps/particle ion
/gate/source/fluor18/gps/ion 9 18 0 0 

/gate/source/fluor18/setForcedUnstableFlag  true

/gate/source/fluor18/gps/energytype Mono
/gate/source/fluor18/gps/monoenergy 0 MeV
/gate/source/fluor18/gps/angtype iso
/gate/source/fluor18/gps/number 1
/gate/source/fluor18/gps/centre 0.  0. 0. cm
/gate/source/fluor18/gps/type Point

Thank you in advance.
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