[Gate-users] hot lesions in cylinderical background

bassim aklan bassim.aklan at imp.uni-erlangen.de
Thu Sep 5 15:41:09 CEST 2013

Hello Gate users,
Does someone know, how I can put hot sphere lesions in cylinderical 
background. I have defined a cylinderical phantom and put spheres with 
different sizes inside it. I set an activity of 427000 Bq for the 
background and 17000 Bq activity for the hot sphere lesions in order to 
get a ratio of 4:1. When I generate a sinogram and reconstruct it. I see 
only the hot lesions without the background. Can anyone help me with 
this issue. I appreciate your support and help.


Bassim Aklan, MSc.
Institute of Medical Physics - Section for MR Imaging
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Henkestr. 91
91052 Erlangen, Germany
phone: +49-(0)9131/85-25545
bassim.aklan at imp.uni-erlangen.de

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