[Gate-users] Before and After Collimator

Carlos Uribe carluri at phas.ubc.ca
Thu Mar 7 01:05:34 CET 2013

Hello everyone,

I want to understand how different collimators affect what my camera
detects gammas.

I want to run a simulation in which there's no collimator present and then
add some collimators and see how it changes.

One way of doing this would be by running the simulation N+1 times where N
is the number of different collimators.  I think this is time consuming
and, although the spectrum should be similar, there might be differences
due to the different random numbers, etc.

Is there a way of running a simulation without the collimator, somehow save
the spectrum, add the collimator and tell GATE to load the previous
spectrum and see how it changes?

Thank you very much in advance,

Carlos F Uribe
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