[Gate-users] Voxelized objects

Jerome Crocco jerome.crocco at gmail.com
Thu Aug 8 14:11:40 CEST 2013


For CT system,  I'm trying to employ an anti scatter grid.

Due to the limited geometrical operations of gate,  I am considering
creating a Voxelized antiscatter grid.

  The idea is to use my 3d cad model and create an. * .STL object (this is
basically watertight triangles and vertices.)   from there I have Voxelized
the object into Voxels. This is basically a 3000 X 500 X 500 Voxelized
object.   Now I am going to try to input a Voxelized object into the Gate
geometry,  much the same way the Voxelized phantoms are designed.

Does this sound reasonable ?  Do you have some experience with this kind of
approach to geometry building?
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