[Gate-users] Re[Detection of optical photons]

open researcher openresearcher90 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 2 06:52:31 CEST 2013

According to my limited experience of working with GATE,

1. Yes, hits with 'Transportation' should be treated as optical photons
detected by the surface.

2. why position of  hits with 'Transportation' is not always equal to
position of surface?

    I also have this problem, (my surface is at -1.4795e+02 but the photons
are detected at -1.480e+02,
 I thought this trade-off is due to the number of precision bits in the
floating point variable.)

4. part  of photons is reflected from surfaces

    Did you carefully set the refractive index of your crystal and PMT ( is
your R.I. of crystal > R.I of PMT ,
    No Total internal reflection ?? )

5. Is there any way to connect information from Hits and OpticalData trees?
Something like hitID?

   I am not using root output, I am using ASCII, there time IDs are given.
( One issue with this is, time IDs are not sorted
  for ex, if a hit's id is 0.145378989 next hit would be 0.144672398 )

I hope my answers are correct and not misguiding you. May be some GATE
expert will be able to answer your questions correctly.
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