[Gate-users] Ion Source energy spectrum

Karr Aguwa kaguwa at optics.arizona.edu
Tue Oct 16 08:15:01 CEST 2012

Hello Gate users.

I am trying to simulate the isotope of Technetium-99m for a pet dose study.
I am in injecting some activity of this technetium into a tumor.
After analysis of the run, i noticed that the energy were a little be high
and hence higher dose. I suspect that it is not using the correct energy
spectrum. How can i figure out the enery spectrum that Gate/geant4 is using
for this isotope/ion source?

The Technetium is defined as an ion source.
# Source - Technetium-99m (99m-Tc)
/gate/source/addSource                         sourceTc99m
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/particle          ion
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/ion               43 99 0 143
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/energytype        Mono
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/monoenergy        0. MeV
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/setForcedUnstableFlag true
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/setForcedHalfLife     21621 s
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/setActivity           37000000 Bq
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/type              Volume
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/shape             Sphere
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/radius            0.5 cm
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/centre            0 0 0 cm
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/attachTo              tumor
/gate/source/sourceTc99m/gps/angtype           iso

I am using the latest Gate version Gate_v6.2

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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